Monday, June 25, 2012

Third Assignment: Line Drawings

Line Drawings are an essential building block of what makes a good drawing great!
Line strength and variety of line is crucial to adding a more whole type of drawing as you
build structure and form and texture and spatial qualities.

Curvilinear lines are curvy and free flowing. They create a soft, natural feel.

Rectilinear lines are geometric in style. They are straight and clear with pointed angles. These lines create a harsh and energetic feel.

Actual lines are made to be clearly noticed.

Implied lines are where the viewer can complete the image with their imagination.

Lines express different moods based on the following:
Thickness and thinness
Fluidity or rigidness
Lightness or darkness

alue is the lightness or darkness. By hatching or crosshatching lines you can express different values.

Hatching is just drawing a series of short parallel lines in a row within a shape. The closer you put the lines together, the darker the value. Cross-hatching is done by drawing two sets of parallel lines that intersect.

Contour lines = outlines. They are the border around shapes and shadows.

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