Friday, June 29, 2012

Basket Drawings: Texture Drawing Assignment

Each of you will complete one large textural line drawing from the basket still life in class.

It must be created using line. If value is given to your drawing then it must originate from mark making...lines.
You will also turn one bird nest drawing for critique as well on the Fabriano 100% cotton rag paper I will give to you. The bird nest drawings will be displayed in several of the cases at GSU with names attached so make them worthy of that.

Images below are from 2011 Class:

Monday, June 25, 2012

Third Assignment: Line Drawings

Line Drawings are an essential building block of what makes a good drawing great!
Line strength and variety of line is crucial to adding a more whole type of drawing as you
build structure and form and texture and spatial qualities.

Curvilinear lines are curvy and free flowing. They create a soft, natural feel.

Rectilinear lines are geometric in style. They are straight and clear with pointed angles. These lines create a harsh and energetic feel.

Actual lines are made to be clearly noticed.

Implied lines are where the viewer can complete the image with their imagination.

Lines express different moods based on the following:
Thickness and thinness
Fluidity or rigidness
Lightness or darkness

alue is the lightness or darkness. By hatching or crosshatching lines you can express different values.

Hatching is just drawing a series of short parallel lines in a row within a shape. The closer you put the lines together, the darker the value. Cross-hatching is done by drawing two sets of parallel lines that intersect.

Contour lines = outlines. They are the border around shapes and shadows.

Fourth Assignment: Bird Nest Drawings and Basket Drawings(Texture)

The Bird Nest Drawings and The Basket Drawings:

The Bird Nest Drawings have become an important and pivotal part of the Drawing 1 class since it increases your awareness of texture, line, value, composition, scale and volume/spatial qualities found in drawing. Use of conte is examined as well as using reversal drawing techniques (white conte on black paper).

Self discovery of new mark-making is always successful at this point during the semester.

I know the birds who built these little beauties would be happy to see you drawing them as art...after all, each bird nest is unique to the individual birds who built it and their lives which ensued. Time spent searching for the right twig or item to build their nests and then to hatch baby birds and teach them to fly. These nests are equivalent to your house, apartment, condo or loft. It is unique. Your drawings are artifacts of the birds time on this earth.

Please try to use a variety of media in drawing these.
You will need to create two bird nest drawings: One drawing that is created using black media on white paper and the second drawing will be created using white media on black paper.

The images below are from a previous drawing class in the summer of 2010 and 2009.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What are Value Drawings?

When creating a value drawing, you need to shift out of line-drawing mode, and the best way to do this is to forbid yourself to draw a line, and focus on areas of value. You might use the lightest of lines to get down the basic shapes. From there, build up the shading. Often the 'outline' will be at the join between two different values, and is created by the contrast between the light and dark area. Use the background to define foreground objects.Pay attention to drawing the shadows and background. Use them to provide contrast. A 'halo' of shading, like a vignette around the subject, is rarely successful. Leaving the background blank can work, but remember its okay to let an edge fade into the background - don't outline.

Don't use outlines.

The aim of realist value drawing is to show the light and shadow and surface tones, creating a three-dimensional illusion. Outlines only define visible edges and don't tell us anything about light and dark. Linear drawing and value drawing are two different 'systems' of representation. Mixing up the two can be confusing, if realistic drawing is your aim.

Value drawing is done best with pencil or charcoal. Soft or medium hardness charcoals work well for this. You will have to try different brands as I found early on that not all charcoals are equal. So, be choosy about your tools!

A line drawing is usually done on white paper with dark pencil or charcoal. A value drawing,on the other hand, often begins as a line drawing on toned paper with charcoal and white charcoal.

Some artists prefer to use white paper, which they then cover with powdered charcoal. You can then add lines and use a kneaded eraser to wipe out areas for light spots and highlights. Either way works.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Assignment #2: Three Value Drawings Due Wednesday

Unless something changes between now and Wednesday, you will have 3 Value Drawings due for the critique.
One Value Drawing is from the academic still life composed of the cone, sphere and rectangle.
The Second Value Drawing is from the Bed.
The Third Value Drawing is from the Paper Bags.

Each are to be treated differently but they are all VALUE drawings. This means the drawings should not have as many lines in them as they have value...light to dark renderings. It is advisable that the drawings "look" as much like what you are drawing as possible. Value creates the illusion of space. Think back to last week when you were drawing the figure/ground and try to use that concept as well as you add value to these compositions.

Sketchbooks are due next Friday with 10 drawings of value.

Image courtesy of

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